Classic Issues Re-Interpreted:
The Malaysian Five-Foot-Walkway

How can high technical standards and local architectural patterns be combined on a production building in Malaysia? "For B. Braun AG's production building in Penang, we have implemented a modern version of the classic Asian 'five foot way'", says Manuel Schupp. The 'five foot way' is a covered walkway that provides shelter from the sun and serves as a recreation room for the employees. According to Schupp, "the only difference from the classic version is that our walkway rather resembles a 26-foot way.


Yet, many visitors to B. Braun in Penang have noticed the intention of this specific architectural feature, as well as the fact that it originates from the historic Georgetown of Penang, where the five foot way has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Typically, these walkways are located in front of shops, providing shelter not only from the sun, but also from tropical rainstorms. Representing a mixture of private and public space, they have come up almost 200 years ago. 


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